Your Parish Council

Duties and Responsibilities of the Parish Council

Scarcliffe Parish Council serves the villages of Hillstown, Palterton and Scarcliffe. Councillors are democratically elected for a term of four years but there are sometimes one or two who are co-opted to fill casual vacancies. Our Chairman is Councillor John Young. Day to day operations are carried out by our Clerk Brian Smyth.

Income and expenditure for the next financial year is calculated in the form of estimates. The net amount (the precept) is added to council tax, collected by the district council (principal authority) and paid to the parish in two six-monthly instalments. You can see our annual accounts on the finance page.

Parish and Town Councils can apply for other funding such as grants, but they do not receive funds direct from the central government, as principal authorities do. We have a small amount of money available each year to support local community associations.

Bolsover District Council and Derbyshire County Council regularly consult with Scarcliffe Parish Council in certain areas giving us the opportunity to influence those bodies for the benefit of the Parish.

All Councillors are obliged to follow the Council Code of Conduct and the Parish Council follows rules, regulations and procedures as laid down - ultimately by Central Government.

The Parish Council has a responsibility to consider the interests and the needs of local residents, and the Parish.

Council Services Locations

To view Council Services Images click here

Services provided by Scarcliffe Parish Council:

We lease allotment sites to Palterton Allotments Association and Hillstown Allotments Association. 

Bus Stops and shelters 

We maintain shelters on the main bus routes in the Parish. 

Community Development 

The Parish Council comments on planning applications. We support the work of community associations in Hillstown, Palterton and Scarcliffe.

Council Land and properties

The council leases land at Palterton;
The Council owns allotment land at Hillstown and Palterton; woodland off Mansfield Rd, Hillstown; playing fields at Scarcliffe.


We have three defibrillators sited at:
The Freedom Centre, Langwith Road. Bolsover; Palterton Village Hall and outside St Leonard’s Church, Main St, Scarcliffe.

Flowers , Planters and Benches

We provide planters, floral displays, and benches throughout the parish. 


The council can give small 137 grants and support for community organisations in bidding elsewhere.


 The council provides and maintains children’s playgrounds at Scarcliffe and Palterton and are negotiating to site play equipment at Hillstown.

Palterton Village Hall 

The Village Hall offers bookable meeting, event, and entertainment space.

Public Meetings

Annual parish meeting; our monthly meetings are open to the public.

Sports Grounds and recreational facilities 

The council provides football pitches at Palterton.

Seasonal celebrations and anniversaries

Xmas activities, Parish Pantomime, Remembrance Day, Jubilees.